Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Getting to Know You Pennants

Every year, I used to have students create a t-shirt where they would include information about themselves and include a hand drawn picture, which was a Tribes activity given to me when I first started teaching.  I would also take each student's picture on the first day of school.  This year I moved to a smaller classroom and decided to combine the ideas.  I used the picture I took of them for a Getting to Know You Pennant where they also include much of the same information in a different format.  I use this at the beginning of the school year, but it can be used at any time.

Here is my teacher example:

Here is somewhat of what it looks like it my room.  I (actually my mom) mounted the student pennants on black paper.  

I designed a template that can be used to give students.  You can find it at my TPT site. Check out the template here.